The following is an example of submitting credit card validation details.
Dim inetTransfer As InetCtlsObjects.Inet
Set inetTransfer = New InetCtlsObjects.Inet
Dim strPostText As String
Dim strPostHeader As String
' build up the text that will be posted to the authentication site
strPostText = "VMSMerchantID=" & VMSMerchantID & _
"&SSMerchantID=" & SSMerchantID & _
"&VMMCMerchantID=" & VMMCMerchantID & _
"&AttemptNum=" & AttemptNum & _
"&CurrencyCode=" & CurrencyCode & _
"&CountryCode=" & CountryCode & _
"&RetOKAddress=" & objUtil.URLEncode(RetOKAddress, DEF_CODE_PAGE) & _
"&RetNotOKAddress=" & objUtil.URLEncode(RetNotOKAddress, DEF_CODE_PAGE) & _
"&MessageType=" & MessageType & _
"&Amount=" & Amount & _
"&CardType=" & CardType & _
"&CardNumber=" & objUtil.URLEncode(CardNumber, DEF_CODE_PAGE) & _
"&IssueNumber=" & IssueNumber & _
"&ExpMonth=" & ExpMonth & _
"&ExpYear=" & ExpYear & _
"&StartMonth=" & StartMonth & _
"&StartYear=" & StartYear
' add the form encoded header to the post so that the recipient sees the data as
' coming from a submitted form
strPostHeader = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" & vbCrLf
' use transfer object to execute the url
inetTransfer.Execute AuthURL, "POST", strPostText, strPostHeader
' wait until the authorisation site returns an answer
Do Until inetTransfer.StillExecuting = False
' return the code - this will be a zero-length string if the card is authorised
Authenticate = inetTransfer.GetChunk(1024, icString)
Set inetTransfer = Nothing