

Artificial Intelligence

.NET Libraries

  • HangFire - background processing in .NET
  • Humanizer - library for turning values into human-readable strings
  • Polly - resilience and transient-fault-handling library, including Retry, Rate Limits, etc
  • Quartz.NET - scheduler library
  • MiniProfiler - a free, very useful profiling tool for .NET and .NET Core

Development Tools




  • PCPartPicker - use this site to build your PC from scratch



  • Reveal - very nice modal dialog implementation



  • Robo 3T - free, open source GUI for MongoDB


  • - create your own icons
  • PNGOUT – this is a FREE tool that reduces the size of PNG files by 5 – 30%. Running this on all images for presentations, blog posts and web sites is a pretty good idea!
  • Paint.NET - free image editing software
  • MediaInfo - inspect video/audio media info
  • Greenshot - screen capture with easy obfuscation, highlighting and editing
  • - free diagrams/charts desktop tool
  • - an amazing scratch tool that can turn words into charts



  • - don’t take my word for it: password guidance from the NCSC
  • Google - good old Google can be used to query sites looking for login information
  • Wayback Machine - can be used to look at previous versions of your site to see what files are changing, and can be used nefariously to try exploit old code
  • Shodan - can be used to search and reveal sensitive certificate information about your domain
  • Web Check - can be used to pull security information about your sites
  • DNS Dumpster - can be used to get a list of host records for a particular domain
  • Dehashed - public breaches, search e.g.
  • ’;–have i been pwned? - free tool for monitoring your email addresses appearing in data breaches
  • BuiltWith - analyse technology profile of a site
  • Wappalyzer - browser extension technology profiler for a web site
  • Netcraft - browser extension that will analyze the tech stack and also warns users of potential attacks
  • OWASP Dependency-Check - free dependency checker

Source Control

  • Git Extensions - best Git source control UI (second to the command line)

Technical Blogs

Utilities for Windows

  • ConsoleZ - tabbed consoles for those who like to DOS
  • Teracopy – I love this tool. It also queues copying requests so you don’t end up with a hard drive going back and forth like a scratch record.
  • 7-Zip - the king of zipping tools
  • Agent Ransack - free file search tool
  • mRemoteNG - tabbed interface for remote connections
  • TreeSize Free - free disk space manager

Virtualisation Tools


Motivation and Perspective