This shows you how to execute XPath queries. The server you are using will need to have ADO 2.6 and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 installed. The query returns XML which can be manipulated using the MS DOM object.
Dim conn ' connection object
Dim cmd ' command object
Dim strm ' stream object
Set conn = Server.CreateObject"ADODB.Connection.2.6")
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command.2.6")
conn.Open "connection string"
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
Set strm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream.2.6")
' open the result stream so it may receive the output from the execute
' set the command type to an XPath query
cmd.Dialect = "{ec2a4293-e898-11d2-b1b7-00c04f680c56}"
' set the file name for the mapping schema
cmd.Properties("Mapping Schema") = Server.MapPath(".") & "Yourfile.xdr"
' hook up the command to the result stream
cmd.Properties("Output Stream") = strm
' set the actual text for the XPath command
' execute the command stream
cmd.Execute , , 1024
' reset the stream's position in order to read it
strm.Position = 0
' set the displayed results to the command's output
txtResults = strm.ReadText
' clean up the output to make easier to read
txtResults = Replace(txtResults,">", ">")
txtResults = Replace(txtResults,"<", "<")
txtResults = Replace(txtResults, "><", "><br><")
Set strm = Nothing
Set cmd = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
Response.Write "<br>" & txtResults