With MSXSL, you can write VB6 functions to make your transformations a little easier:

<msxsl:script implements-prefix="portal" language="vbscript">
  Function GetSomething(node)
	GetSomething = Mid(node.item(0).text,12)
  End Function


<xsl:template match="@MY_FIELD">
<xsl:value-of select="portal:GetSomething(.)"></xsl:value-of>

You can also do tests against function results. For example, you pass in a value “user_privileges” to your stylesheet. Below, you can then run if tests against your function for blocks within your templates.

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" 

<xsl:param name="user_privileges" />

<msxsl:script language="C#" implements-prefix="yours">
public bool checkPrivileges(string required, string privileges){
  if (required == privileges) {
	return true;
  return false;


<xsl:template match="your_node">
<xsl:if test="yours:checkPrivileges(@privileges, $user_privileges) = 'true'">

