Symbol Description
< A less than at the start of the string matches the start of a line.
% A percent sign at the start of the string matches the start of a line.
^ A circumflex at the start of the string matches the start of a line.
. A period matches any character.
* An asterisk after a string matches any number of occurrences of that string followed by any characters, including zero characters. For example, bo* matches bot, bo and boo but not b.
$ A dollar sign at the end of the expression matches the end of a line.
> A greater than at the end of the expression matches the end of a line.
? A question mark matches any single character.
@ An at sign after a string matches any number of occurrences of that string followed by any characters, including zero characters. For example, bo@ matches bot, boo, and bo.
+ A plus sign after a string matches any number of occurrences of that string followed by any characters, except zero characters. For example, bo+ matches bot and boo, but not b or bo.
| A vertical bar matches either expression on either side of the vertical bar. For example, bar|car will match either bar or car. ~ A tilde matches any single character that is not a member of a set.
[ ] Characters in brackets match any one character that appears in the brackets, but no others. For example [bot] matches b, o, or t.
[^] A circumflex at the start of the string in brackets means NOT. Hence, [^bot] matches any characters except b, o, or t. [-] A hyphen within the brackets signifies a range of characters. For example, [b-o] matches any character from b through o.
[-] A hyphen within the brackets signifies a range of characters. For example, [b-o] matches any character from b through o.
{ } Braces group characters or expressions. Groups can be nested, with a maximum number of 10 groups in a single pattern. . For the Replace operation, the groups are referred to by a backslash and a number according to the position in the ?Text to find? expression, beginning with 0. For example, given the text to find and replacement strings, Find: {[0-9]}{[a-c]*}, Replace: NUM1, the string 3abcabc is changed to NUMabcabc.
\ A backslash before a wildcard character tells the IDE to treat that character literally, not as a wildcard. For example, \^ matches ^ and does not look for the start of a line.